The Summer went by sooooo fast. I had a blast being a Mommy and spent every second I could with my sweet girl. As I look back at these pictures from this summer, she has changed so much in such a short period of time. I apologize for not sharing these pictures with you all sooner!
In June, Katie and I went to Birmingham and Montgomery, then we got Daddy and went to the BEACH!!!

Hanging out with Daddy in the big hotel bed.

Katie enjoyed rolling around on the floor at the condo. Shortly after I took the picture, she discovered the water bottle on the floor behind her and it became her favorite toy for the week!

Getting ready to head down to the pool.

Someone was nice and lent us their float.

We then went and got Katie her own.

She loved it!

We took the Pack and Play down to the pool with us and Katie would play and play and then fall asleep.

Bath time is always fun, no matter where we are :)

When we got back, Katie really started working on crawling. She followed me EVRYWHERE!

And checked out everything.

This was one Sunday morning in Birmingham. Katie was teaching Sunday School to all her friends.