Saturday, November 14, 2009

6 Weeks Old

I'm 6 Weeks Old Now!

Hee, hee, hee! I'm about to start laughing!!

I went to visit my Uncle Paul today. This is the first time he has held me.
Isn't he doing a good job?

His dog Gabbie was jealous of all the attention I was getting...

This is my Grampa. I was alseep by the time I got passed to him.

Earlier this week I was having some tummy time on Mommy's and Daddy's bed. It was so comfortable I fell asleep for 4 hours!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

One Month

It's hard to believe, but I am now one month old!

Saying hello to all my fans.

Can you see how long I am now?

I went to church this morning for the first time. I stayed with Mommy and Daddy, though.

Sometimes I tolerate tummy time, but it usually doesn't last very long :)

If you watch carefully, you can catch me smile. I am ready for my outting with Mommy.

I like to nap on Mommy AND Daddy. It's probably one of my favorite places to be!

My First Halloween

This is my bib that Aunt Nikki and Uncle Paul gave me.

This is my tough baby look. Don't messs with me!